Prune Plant to Keep Away from Grow Light
Prune your plants when their height reach 15cm (6 inches).Regular pruning can promote flowering or herbs grow. It can also avoid burning the grow light. Video – Herbs: Video – Tomato / fruiting plants: …
Pollinate Flowers
If you are growing fruits (e.g. tomato), you should pollinate the flowers for fruit production. Some fruits like tomatoes, peppers or eggplants are self-pollinators, you can pollinate the flower simply by hand. Touch the flower and let it shake and then the pollen will spread …
Slide out the grow tray. Use either scissors, a knife, or your hands. To continue growing the remaining plants, push the grow tray back into the cabinet and make sure that the connector docks firmly with the docking station and no leaves or other parts …
How to store fresh herbs
Just picked your fresh herbs from your aspara machine but don’t know what to do after? This post will teach you exactly how to store your herbs so they stay fresh for longer. First, before we delve into how to store herbs, it is important …
Calendula salve
Calendula, being anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antimicrobial and antiviral is perfect for applying on wounds or even on dry skin to hydrate or to ease itchiness. Ingredients: 1 cup calendula oil 1 oz beeswax Essential oil Instructions: Pour infused oil into a double boiler and bring water …
Calendula oil
Keep this floral oil in your first aid kit for any scrapes, bites, or other ailments. Calendula is known for its ability to treat acne and control bleeding. Ingredients: Calendula flowers Oil of your choice eg. olive oil, avocado oil etc. Instructions: Cut the flower …
The benefits of using aspara with your kids
The biggest dietary issue parents tend to face nowadays regarding their children is their distaste towards vegetables. From throwing peas on the ground for the family dog to lap up in an instant to using sweet potato mash as a face mask, children have been …
What is hydroponic?
Hydroponic is simply growing plant without soil. Plant produces food by photosynthesis which during the process, it needs only light, water and nutrients in form of ions. Soil is not necessary and it acts only as a media for the root to get air, water …
What is thyme?
Thyme is an aromatic herb that is a close relative of oregano with a variety of uses in cooking, medicine, and as a decoration in households. Thyme has a long history, being used by the Ancient Egyptians to the Greeks to the Europeans in the …
What is Calendula?
Calendula is a genus of around 20 species of annual and perennial plants and are often colloquially termed marigolds. They are found natively in southwestern Asia, western Europe, Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean. Traditionally, this plant has been used in the culinary world, as a medicinal …