金盞花具有消炎、抗真菌、抗微生物及抗病毒的特性,適合處理傷口,甚至為乾燥皮膚保濕,及紓緩痕癢。 材料: 1杯金盞花油 1安士蜂蠟 精油 步驟: 將油倒入雙層鍋爐及加水至輕沸騰,以將油加熱 加入蜂蠟直至完全溶解 加入精油及攪拌至混合 將熱膏倒入罐中 冷卻後便可使用 步驟: 將油倒入雙層鍋爐及加水至輕沸騰,以將油加熱 加入蜂蠟直至完全溶解 加入精油及攪拌至混合 將熱膏倒入罐中 冷卻後便可使用 …
聖羅勒是一種草本植物,原產於印度和東南亞。常用於阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)和其他全面性的治療方法,它也被稱為「長生不老藥」或「香草皇后」。 它有許多對人類有益的價值。聖羅勒的葉子含有豐富維他命A、C 和 K;還含豐富的鈣、鎂、磷、鐵和鉀等礦物質。更重要的是,它有大量的蛋白質和纖維,為我們提供額外的營養價值。 聖羅勒茶的好處 聖羅勒被認為是補品(adaptogenic*),有助於降低壓力水平並促進心理健康。您可用它的葉子來泡茶,具有止痛、抗氧化、抗炎和抗衰老的特性。 研究指出,這種植物可能有助於緩解焦慮、壓力和疲勞,以及治療哮喘、支氣管炎和感冒。此外,研究亦指它有助於代謝症候群並控制膽固醇水平。 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptogen …
The benefits of using aspara with your kids
The biggest dietary issue parents tend to face nowadays regarding their children is their distaste towards vegetables. From throwing peas on the ground for the family dog to lap up in an instant to using sweet potato mash as a face mask, children have been …
What is hydroponic?
Hydroponic is simply growing plant without soil. Plant produces food by photosynthesis which during the process, it needs only light, water and nutrients in form of ions. Soil is not necessary and it acts only as a media for the root to get air, water …
What is thyme?
Thyme is an aromatic herb that is a close relative of oregano with a variety of uses in cooking, medicine, and as a decoration in households. Thyme has a long history, being used by the Ancient Egyptians to the Greeks to the Europeans in the …
What is Calendula?
Calendula is a genus of around 20 species of annual and perennial plants and are often colloquially termed marigolds. They are found natively in southwestern Asia, western Europe, Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean. Traditionally, this plant has been used in the culinary world, as a medicinal …
What is red romaine lettuce?
Red romaine lettuce has a similar taste and flavor to the green romaine lettuce, which is known as the best lettuce to use to obtain nutrients. Red romaine also bears these benefits to the consumer. It is high in nutrients but low in calories, containing …
How does a seed become a plant?
Germination is the first step in growing your luscious lettuce and blooming flowers, and this process happens all thanks to that small seed you first planted. This process is complex and precise, which is why it only happens when the seed is placed in the …