Cherry Tomato
Red, juicy bite-sized tomato to be harvested in 2.5 to 6 months.
Special nutrient packs for fruit included, enough for use till harvest.
Growing timeline:
Seed from*: USA / Canada / Netherlands / UK
NOTE! Regular pruning, thinning, cleaning, pollinating, harvesting in time are needed, see PLANTING TIPS.
* Regions with seed restriction will have local seed kit production using local seeds, other will use seeds from various origins.
natalie lam
David Fung
Wesley Lam
The planting is so beautiful, the one in front is starting to bear fruit, I hope it can ripen soon,
Joseph So
It has been planted for a long time, almost two months, and it needs to be pruned. It is interesting to watch it turn from green to red slowly.
rachael chiu
juicy and sweet
Sonia Cheung
Good value for the money
Rex L
Brielle O
I have always wanted to try growing some cherry tomatoes, and now my wish has come true!
This seed kit is perfect for both adults and children to enjoy together.
Po Chen
The customer service is nice, and they patiently taught me how to prune the tomato plants.
I grew many delicious tomatoes, and it was truly amazing!