$19.49 – $32.90
菜型束腰、葉莖鮮綠肥厚,菜片橢圓青綠色,有光澤。 纖維細,味甜口感好,適合做成菜肉餃子,中式包,或菜飯。
種子產地*:美國 / 加拿大 / 荷蘭 / 英國
* 種子不能進口的地區的種子套裝將於當地使用本地種子生產,沒有進口限制的地區將使用不同產地的種子
種子套裝含所有於aspara種植機種植所需的材料 – 種子、種植籃、種植介質和植物營養包。
^ 參閱說明書了解詳情
種子套裝 – 8個種植苗囊, DIY 種子套裝 – 16個種植苗囊
Truly from seed to table
Highly recommend this for all moms! No pesticides, safe for kids and adults
My kids and I made dumplings together, we enjoyed it so much!
grow faster than I expected
Steam till slightly tender, a light meal is served
Stir fry with garlic
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Grace li
Truly from seed to table
Nadia Chow
Highly recommend this for all moms! No pesticides, safe for kids and adults
Janice Chan
My kids and I made dumplings together, we enjoyed it so much!
irene cheung
grow faster than I expected
alice wong
Steam till slightly tender, a light meal is served
Yuki Lee
Stir fry with garlic