What is a chili pepper?

There are various chili peppers with different shapes, colors and spiciness. Chili peppers have variety of health benefits. Due to their high antioxidant levels and presence of capsaicin, chili pepper can soothe digestive issues, such as upset stomachs, intestinal gas, diarrhea, and cramps. In addition, they are known to speed up the metabolism which results in curbing the cravings, and consequentially weight loss.

The characteristic red color of chili peppers comes from high beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A. content. Vitamin A is key in maintaining a healthy respiratory, intestinal, and urinary system. Together with vitamin A, vitamin C in the chili peppers is utilized in building up immunity against infections and illnesses. These vitamins, also help in creating and maintaining collagen, which is a key protein found in healthy hair and skin. Add some chili powder to spice up your beauty routine!

Furthermore, chili peppers are high in potassium, which can help relax blood vessels, making blood flow much easier. A combination of potassium and folate in chili pepper is believed to reduce chances of developing heart disease. Chili peppers also contain riboflavin and niacin which are responsible for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and in turn, lower the risk for heart disease. High iron content in chili peppers increases increase the blood flow and haemoglobin production in brain, resulting in improved cognitive performance.


Why grow chili pepper in your aspara?

Unfortunately, there are several types of diseases and pests that can affect chili pepper plants. Blossom end rot is one type of disease that can affect chillies that occurs when calcium levels are low or as a result of irregular watering and high temperatures. With aspara app notifying you when your plant needs water and nutrition, these will be easy to avoid!

Pests that can infect chili pepper plants include aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, and whiteflies. These pests eat away at the plants and can spread viruses to them that can cause extensive damage. Keep an eye on your chili pepper plants and keep your aspara away from soil and contamination. If you notice pests, remove them as quickly as possible.

Also, aspara smart grower specialised planting program will automatically decrease nutrition needs prior to the harvest in order to ensure the best taste of your chilies.

Planting Tips:​

Pruning can help your chili pepper plant grow better. Prune your plants by cutting the most inner leaves close to the fruit, in order to provide more space for it to grow. Do not prune from the top before flowering. Chili peppers are known to flower intensely, so in order to maintain better plant health keep removing fallen leaves and flowers.

Chilies can be harvested when green, but the heat level increases slightly as they turn red. To increase heat levels prior to harvest, our system is designed to automatically reduce water levels prior to the harvest. In order for plants to enjoy the full benefits of smart system, avoid overwatering your plants in that period.



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